Blogs from my PLN
I could list thousands of blogs on this site, but have decided to (try to) limit myself (for now) to the bloggers who make up my Personal Learning Network. The blogroll is in its incipient form for the moment. -
Information Tech Links
Guide to many online tools for collaborative learning
Cyberman has organized over 20,000 educational links! Need I say more...
Graphical knowledge site. Good source for short texts.
To create votes and dialogue on a subject.
Just about everything a teacher needs
Good basic list, not too overwhelming.
I need to take a look at this.
Links to all sorts of technology-related learning sites, organized by category. MUST EXPLORE!
A LOT of e-learning tools, including the apparently famous "Word Magnets" application which I must get!
The name says it all
Simple tool to students to record themselves and email the recording.
Word graphic tool
Like Wordle, but with more features. Developed by Stanford!
Audio Links
Most recent podcasts
Listening + video with quizzes
Various podcasts; authentic English.
Podcasts with a lot of situations. Voc+dialogues+annoying background music that stops after the intro.
Very short news-oriented audio files; lots of possibilities.
Conversation Links
Blog Post
Snippets of authentic, and often funny, conversations heard around the world
Exam Links
A number of multiple choice tests for part 5 of the TOEIC. Answers provided, but not interactively.
Grammar Links
Designed for primary schools, but could be used in class - must be online.
Image Links
Teaching with Flickr wiki
Like online post-its.
Miscellaneous ESL Links
Inspirational blog post with some good technology ideas
Sites of all types -- to be checked out.
Teacher site of the International TESL Journal
General English site, but with a lot of conversation activities and debate topics.
Music Links
Selection of 5 songs by theme. Often news-oriented.
My Professional Organizations and Networks
Internation Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
News Links
Very complete lessons based on the latest news. Good for BTS.
More amazing news lessons by Sean Banville
Reading Site Links
Another site by Sean Banville
Another Sean Banville creation
Not an EFL site, but a lot of short, practical articles about business practices.
Teachers' Stuff
Links and thoughts about behavior and classroom mgmt.
Not designed for EFL classes but useful for job finding skills, group management issues, etc.
Video Links
Not EFL-oriented, but excellent material, especially for extended listening.
Over 6000 clips. Designed for teaching in UK primary and secondary schools, but a lot of great material.
Very useful blogpost by Larry F.
Very short extracts from films with ESL activities built in. In Beta (November 2010); looks promising.
YouTube meets Wikipedia -- education videos organized by theme. Not particularly for EFL students.
Vocabulary Links
Not just vocabulary, but a lot of "theme" based activities. Fits in well with my curriculum.
Video of a lecture on the subject
Writing Links
Great site with templates, process help, other tips for writing in an organized fashion.