Entries in general vocabulary (1)


Top 100 -- and 1000 -- words in English

All of my students want more vocabulary; all of my students say that they are lacking in vocabulary.

Of course, in class we learn a lot of vocabulary, but since you're in college, we won't go back to the basics that much. So if you don't know basic vocabulary, you might just have to go get (and learn it) yourself.

The above video is not the most exciting in the world, but it identifies the top 100 words used in English. Amazingly, they constitute HALF -- yes, 50% -- of all words spoken in English. Do you know them all? And do you know how to pronounce them?

If you know the top 100, why not make sure you know the top 1000? Download this simple PDF file of the top 1000 words in English, and check what you know. You could set the objective of trying to complete the chart over the year, maybe with a friend.

Thank you to David Deubelbeiss for the 1000 word list.