Entries in work (2)


Listening Activity: A Job Interview

Listen to the job interview and take notes.

Notice that in the second part the interviewee asks the interviewer a few questions.

After the interview, there is an interactive quiz. Try it and see how you do. (Also see if you can find the mistake in the quiz answers! Hint: it's an answer about money.)





Management Assistant Listening Activity

1. Go to the site http://pedagogie.ac-montpellier.fr/disciplines/anglais/bts/interviews.html

2. Listen to the interview with Tracey (the first one) and complete the blanks on your sheet.

3. When you have tried several times, you can correct yourself using the script.

4. Finally, listen to another interview from the same group -- any interview you want -- and take notes on it. DO NOT CONSULT THE SCRIPT

After the listening period, we will discuss Tracey's job, compare it to yours, and you will present the other interview you listened to.