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Sales Activity: Selling a Mobile Phone as a Sales Rep

In today's sales sketch, you are going to sell 10 mobile phones to a company that wants to equip its sales team with new mobile phones. You know that the company doesn't want to spend a lot of money on this equipment.

1. Go to the Best Buy Cell Phone page.

2. In the middle of the page, you will see the "Best-selling" phones. Study the phone descriptions and choose the one you would like to sell to the company.

3. Work individually to prepare your sales argumentation. Remember you are selling as a rep in an appointment situation, not in a shop.

4. Do the sketches with a partner. (2 different sketches.)


5. If time allows, we will listen to a few of the sketches.

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    Forever English - The Class Space - Sales Activity: Selling a Mobile Phone as a Sales Rep

Reader Comments (1)

very nice reading

I want to share this website with you people. It’s really very helpful in comparing prices and models of laptops mobiles and a lot more about electronics goods. its good to buy mobiles, laptops and so many other electronics goods online.

December 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermobiles

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